What is that Polio Eradication Picture? -- Four new Wild Polio cases reported this week!!           
Today's Polio picture is of our Past RI President James Bomar.  October 29, 2019 marked the 40th Anniversary of President Bomar giving the first Oral Polio Drops, in the first large scale 3H (Health, Hunger, and Humanity) project in the Philippines - the project that would grow into Rotary's Global Polio Eradication effort, to be named PolioPlus, in the years to follow.  
October 24 - World Polio Day: One Day. One Focus: ENDING POLIO NOW!
Can You Name Five Ways Our Work Against Polio Fights Other Diseases?  The third is - Surveillance - The Polio surveillance system helps detect new cases of Polio and determines where and how these cases originated.  In Borno State of Nigeria, the surveillance system is now being used to find people with symptoms of Yellow Fever.  Surveillance was one of the many tactics used during a 2018 Yellow Fever outbreak that prompted vaccinations of more than eight million people.